The Basque language, so called Euskara, remains a mystery for linguists. It is the only non Indoeuropean language in the Iberian Penninsula, and the only one in Europe that has no Indoeuropean origin, together with the Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian and Maltese.
There are no semantic groups in which it could match and lacks common traits with other languages.
It is said that it is the most ancient language of Europe, which is ratified by a large number of linguists, experts and researchers. It’s origins are actually unknown.
It’s ancienty arises to neolithic era, though evidence shows that it could go even much further.
Theories say that there was not a single language in Europe, but many dialects that were interconnected. The Basque language might be one of those and thus the one and only survivor.
According to linguists there are similar terms in the Caucasus and in the North of Africa (Berber language), but these theories seem to be unfound and are simply based on casualties.
Today, it is the co-official language in the Spanish Basque Country and Navarre. It is now the same in the French Basque Country, as it happens with the rest of the regional French languages in fact.
The official linguists define the Euskara as an isolated language, in other words, without any link to other recognized languages.
Kaixo: Hello
Egun on: Good morning
Arratsalde on: Good evening
Gabon: Good night
Agur: Good bye
Mesedez: Please
Barkatu: Sorry
Eskerrik asko: Thank you
Bai: Yes
Ez: No
Gazia: Salty
Ardoa: Wine
Ura: Water
Ogia: Bread
Beroa: Hot
Hotza: Cold